Last Rites - Branding & Packaging Design

Last Rites 
Art Direction, Branding, Packaging & Illustration
Marcos Genoud - Mariana Zuniga
CGI: Janderson Oliveira

Just beyond the Almahue vineyards, a few short years ago, archeological experts were called out after the macabre discovery of desecrated bones and unworldly ceramics. reconstructing the scene of a lost civilization, all indications pointed to ancestral secrets of the darkest hue.   almost forgotten legends, passed down through the generations, once again caught the imagination of the villagers. it indeed confirmed the very location and the stories they had heard, of a sinister and twisted people who had been a curse to the village and haunted its descendants ever since.   while this small population had largely tried to ignore the horrors of its past, the one celebration that held fast was the local tradition surrounding death. those about to pass on to the afterlife were and are celebrated with dark parties. sinister rituals, bidding the dying person farewell, wishing the deceased an improper future in the great unknown.
In the dimness of the room, where time seems to stand still, a man kneels before death with a smile on his face. Amidst his final breaths, his mind plunges into a torrent of memories, recalling moments of pleasure and delight. As life fades away, his thoughts are filled with feasts, parties, and exquisite banquets, where he reveled in drinking the finest wine and enjoying the company of friends and loved ones. Instead of remorse, his sins are remembered with an indomitable joy, like the flames of a passion that never waned.
The time for farewell arrives. Surrounded by friends who have shared his life, the character raises a raised glass in a final toast. With each sip, a growing euphoria is felt, a celebration in honor of the fading life. Amidst laughter and embraces, the character walks toward an incandescent horizon, toward a destiny beyond the earthly realm. Instead of fear or anguish, his soul is imbued with a burning desire to live the last moments submerged in a hell filled with parties and unrestrained merriment.
However, in the depths of his never-ending revelry, a struggle unfolds in the realm of the ethereal. Demons cling to him, eager to keep him trapped in their endless pleasure, while the redeemer emerges from the shadows to offer him a chance at redemption. Amidst the echoes of uncontrollable laughter and the roars of torment, the character finds himself at a transcendental crossroads. The redeemer offers him a promise of paradise and salvation, a place where worldly pleasures pale in comparison to peace and serenity.
Last Rites - Branding & Packaging Design

Last Rites - Branding & Packaging Design

Art Direction, Branding, Packaging and Illustration. This was a full comprehensive project that we had the opportunity to develop from scratch. T Read More
